Thursday, March 13, 2014

Unheard-of Ultimates: Perihelion Intereactive's "The Mandate"

Tere hommikust. Today, I'm not going to talk about a game I've played. I'm going to talk about a game the world has yet to play, perhaps one of the greatest games of the decade: The Mandate.

For anyone who has seen Let's Plays of the game Faster than Light, I personally recommend this game. The game is similar, but in 3D and with a hundred if not a thousand times the complexity. For anyone who has not, I also recommend this game. The political background, the customizability, and the gameplay are all too fantastic to resist. While I haven't finished (or practically started) the selection process, I've seen Let's Plays of the stuff that The Mandate has actually released, and just those parts alone could be given cruddy "filling" and still be an amazing game. The first part of the game is perhaps one of the most customizable of any game conceived today. There's both real-time battle and real-time campaign components and strategies, to the best of my knowledge.

The theme is space and the former Russian Empire. Politics, history, and sci-fi buffs will all be thrilled at the dawn of this game. If everything they say will be part of the game is part of the game is correct, this could be the greatest game of 2014, perhaps one of the top five games of the 2010's.

Mind you, Warhammer: Total War is coming out, and, due to my Odd-Even Total War Theory (which I will explain later), this game will revolutionize the Total War industry. It's not a light statement when I say this strategy game will surpass Warhammer.

I don't usually spend any money on games (I find it a waste), but I might just make an exception. Currently, this game has a kickstarter campaign, and, while I likely won't participate, I recommend that you contribute to that campaign (if you do that sort of thing). You'll want to be a part of this epic game. In short, I have but one thing to say:

"One Rule, No Quarter."
All Hail The Mandate!

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